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Programme Strategy Revisited

Refined and rationalised 

Changing the arrangement of my building dramatically I decided to revisit the programme adjacency diagram I made earlier, due to the circulation in this building being more rational I figured I could refine the size of spaces and the way they're arrange.


This Diagram is simply a rethought programme adjacency diagram of places which need to be next to eachother etc.


Changing the arrangement of my building dramatically I decided to revisit the programme adjacency diagram I made earlier, due to the circulation in this building being more rational I figured I could refine the size of spaces and the way they're arrange.


This Diagram is simply a rethought programme adjacency diagram of places which need to be next to eachother etc.


This diagram is the final spatial arrangement, with isolated private and public entrances, always separating spaces with different occupation, and the kitchen and restaurant disconnected, as the food is served to trays on a small lift. I believe this is a much more refined and appropriate diagram, which I directly applied to floor plans


The site's access is provided by a road going straight to the private door, and into the store room. 

1. Sprouts from the seedling room are taken out to the greenhouse,


2. These vegetables are brought back and then stored here


3. is the access for food from other sources such as ocal farms involved in the scheme.


4. The store space is large to accommodate for different kinds of food,


5. Is a kitchen local store for easy access,


6. Food is cooked against the back wall and the central island is used for prep


8. A planter track system depends into the kitchen and allows chefs to acquire herbs whenever necessary, this void doubles up as a solar chimney


9. A dish is then placed in the food light where it is taken to the first floor and placed in a self serve tray.

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© 2018 Stretford Future Living Centre by Elliot Bourne

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