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Spatial Qualities and Connection

Facilitate, Connect & Appreciate

A key aspect of the building is nature and reconnecting people with their food and the building with its environment so I would like the users to be able to experience the growing plants and nature from wherever they are in the building. This 1:50 sectional model shows how I intend for this to be facilitated

Glazed 'soft connection to the public hall and circulation shaft

Brick as the main material for the facade

A wide staircase spans the 1st to 3rd floors, opening up the space, making it seem more public and expansive, the steps can be used as seats to socialise, eat or participate in a lecture. There is a constant connection to the food preparation, with a direct view into the kitchen over a balcony from every point in the building

Lecture space

Connection and Access

Currently the disabled access to the public hall is poor, with one pokey lift in an awkward part of the building. I propose that Stretford Future living centre acts as the new entry point for individuals with disabilities, With a straight route from the door to the lift which will open in both directions on the second floor, entering the first floor of the public hall.

As well as facilitating disabled access Stretford Future Living Centre will have direct, easy access to the public hall from it's second floor, in this way the building acts as an extension to the hall, widening its programme and appeal. This connection will take place on the easternmost tower, entering a room currently mostly disused.

The hall boasts some wonderful ornate features. Three long windows illuminate a stairwell circulation space with the original 19th century tiles still present. Stretford Future living centre will still allow light to penetrate into this space, though less, illuminating the need for the drapes currently in place. From the building you should be able to look into the hall and see the ornate features.

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© 2018 Stretford Future Living Centre by Elliot Bourne

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