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Big Model and Development

Structure, materiality and experience

I created a 1:50 Sectional Model to explore several things: structure, materiality and user experience. I went into making the model thinking of using regular red brick and a pale structural wood such as pine, however after creating the model I had some other ideas.


The structure I had originally thought of as a pale wood such as pine, but perhaps a darker tone or harder wood would work better.

I realised that the greenhouse offset was not as dramatic and towering as I thought, so I made the decision to push the facade further in, creating a larger, more dramatic space

Decided a lighter wood appears strange on the exterior of a building, so figured a darker hardwood would potentially be better, and coupling this with a more outlandish colour, as the huge red brick facade appears to bland

I realised also, in order to have timber spanning in four directions on the same level a bespoke joint would have to be developed as this is quite unordinary, I could make the joints at different levels but as the greenhouse is exposed on three sides I think it wold look better if they were level, as well as providing a stronger base for a floor plate.


I also took this as an opportunity to experiment with different apertures. between the occupiable space and greenhouse.

I decided on a partition at the level of a table, so to conceal the post of the plants and to try and reduce glare of lower cills

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© 2018 Stretford Future Living Centre by Elliot Bourne

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