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Initial Iterations

The Site

A hole in the ground next to a 19th century building

The site is located in the heart of Stretford and  has a lot of opportunities


It's south facing, allowing for an environmentally optimised form


In a hole (connecting to a subway) that's four metres deep and mostly unused allowing for possible excavation and landscaping


Adjoining the public hall with the possibility to connect

City centre




Pedestrian walkways and access

Vehicle circulation

Building concept

The core building concept, carrying on from my personal design manifesto and analysis into the relationship between diet and the environment is to create a building which not just participates in the local ecology but augments it. Reducing pollution, the city heat bubble effect and noise.

Iteration 1

- Connect to green

Iteration 1

- Connect to green

IDEA - Create connection to nature and the public hall with what would seem like a clear glass extension to the public hall, attractive and minimal. This would involve landscaping and a garden in front of the project to allow visitors the restaurant to have a framed view of a garden while eating/visiting.


PROS - Attractive elegant design with a sensitive intervention and connection to public hall


CONS - Not enough space for a working garden. A working garden would also be messy, contradicting the specific building concept. Spaces would also have to remain small and without much opportunity for adaptation.




Concept - Framed view of Garden with expansive glazing

Spatial Arrangement - Private spaces contained next to SPH

Circulation - Access through SPH and garden

Iteration 2

- Preserve green

Iteration 2

- Preserve green

IDEA - A roof plan of this building would entirely conceal it's form and just show green space, thus preserving all potential for the site to act as green, creating a green 'belt' or pathway.


PROS - The concept takes full advantage of the excavation potential, with the volume descending underground and at the same time creating a steady pathway along the roof, which would act as the community garden/allotment. Routes through the site are also preserved.


CONS - Again there is not enough space for a full working garden and the form, though creative appears clunky and does not coexist aesthetically with the public hall.




Concept - preserving green space. Harmony between landscape and building

Spatial Arrangement - Private spaces contained underground. Public spaces above ground with views

Circulation - Entrance central with choice to either go towards restaurant or education space

Iteration 3

- Generate green

IDEA - The purpose of this iteration was to not just preserve green space but to generate it, creating a pathway to the roof of the public hall, which I propose will be the main site for the working community garden.


PROS - The site is such a great distance from any buildings on all angles of the sun path that it experiences no shading. This means with careful sloped excavation even the lowest levels should experience a good quality of light, allowing for a skinny tall form, with lots of space to landscape 


CONS - Current form depicted isn't very aesthetically pleasing and the experiential quality of space is likely to be poor




Concept - Maximise green space and take full advantage of climate

Spatial Arrangement - All spaces will have good views and lighting due to tall thin form

Circulation - Entrance on first floor, choice of whether to head towards restaurant or lecture space

Continuing with the project I wish to incorporate several of the ideas in each iteration:


  • From the first - a solid connection with the public hall.


  • From the second - Excavation, a playful form and materiality, maintaining existing routes through the site.


  • From the third - Generating green space, connecting to the roof of the public hall and landscaping the surrounding area to enhance the experience of the space.


Culinary Art School / Gracia Studio / 2010

Slow Food Pavilion Milan Expo 2015 / Herzog & de Meuron / 2015

Garden Pavilion for the Boxy Catering Company / Marteen Van Severen / 2007

Posbank Pavilion / de architectegroep, rijnboutt ruijssenaars hendriks van gamerenmastenbroek bv / 2002

Garden Pavilion for the Boxy Catering Company / Marteen Van Severen / 2007

Nest We Grow / College of Environmental Design UC Berkeley + Kengo Kuma & Associates / 2014

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© 2018 Stretford Future Living Centre by Elliot Bourne

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