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Environmental Consideration

Strategies and qualities of space

In Winter the greenhouse creates a double skin insulating the main building further from the colt temperatures.  gain allows the greenhouse to retain that even when it's very cold

The structural wall on the west side also acts as thermal mass, keeping temperatures more constant overnight from the solar gain from the evening sun

The structural wall on the west side also acts as thermal mass, keeping temperatures more constant overnight from the solar gain from the evening sun


In summer, operable windows in the greenhouse allow a convection current to form, pulling warms tale air out of the space. plants on the roof garden also aid with evaporative cooling

In Sumer the stair structure has Hydragea's which flower and shade the wall. The grating also acts a security measure to allow the windows to be open to ventilate the mass at night even when no one is around. Trees break the wind direction and make this natural ventilation possible


The hall will be kitted with a photovoltaic array facing south, 30 degrees up. The building provides a new rainwater collection system and gutter. A CHP unit reduces the consumption of fossil fuels


Land extracted from the site will be replaced after the building is constructed. Bricks and other usable materials will go to to state funded school


Using revit I was able to analyse the quality of light in spaces in the building at different times of day. Most notably the greenhouse space, where different qualities of light create different environments for different plants.


Summer Morning

Summer evening

As you can see the restaurant gets decent quality of light through the day with not too much glare as hoped and expected. 

Top floor summer

Middle floor summer

Middle floor winter

Base level

The constant direct sunlight of the top floor is an ideal place to grow Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, peas, beans, corn and squash

Carrots, radishes, beets and other root vegetables require at least half a day of sun to thrive, so would be great on the middle level

The base level isn't really where plants are meant to be but the plants on the pull system again inconsistent sunlight

Plant Pulley system

long flat herb planters are attached to a track on swivel fixings, these allow the planters to rotate as the track moves, a heavy flat weight along the base of each planter ensures they're always level. 


A concealed motor moves the track, switches are placed at the bottom of each system in the kitchen for easy control 

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© 2018 Stretford Future Living Centre by Elliot Bourne

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